LF Manufacturing
Opportunities in non-traditional market segments.
Industrial B2B client LF Manufacturing (LFM) came to us with a 30-year track record in the world of fiberglass tank manufacturing. With growing opportunities in non-traditional market segments, the challenge the company faced involved telling a consistent story and maintaining a uniform, disciplined brand message. Branding work followed an Ignite strategy project with key players from LFM’s top management, rank and file employees, and even customers. Soon the results were rolled out across the company’s website and digital media outlets.
The results speak for themselves.
Subsequent advertising campaigns sought to shake up an industry led by engineers and local government officials steeped in a traditional approach to technical subject matter. A record breaking sales year in 2018 speaks to the success of both the company and its newly invigorated messaging, and the agency’s relationship with LFM continues today.